,,Venus" og ,,Sjö ljóð..."


In the piece Venus, an attempt is made to start over, reset the female body and find new ways to stage it. We invite you on a journey to the planet Venus, a feminist utopia where the patriarchy never existed. How would women enjoy themselves? How would they experience the world and their own bodies? Is it possible to look at a woman's body on stage without objectifying it? A colorful show that plays with the eye with illusions and humor while making an attempt to liberate the female body.

Anna Guðrún and Bjartey are dancers and choreographers. They graduated from the same class of contemporary dance at Iceland Univercity of the Arts and have worked together a lot since then. For example in the feminist punk band The Boob Sweat Gang and FWD Youth Company. Together they have developed working methods and share the same artistic interests. The musician and stage author Anna Róshildur enters the process as a composer and takes care of the sound film.


When Ólöf Ingólfsdóttir was gripped by the desire to return to the stage after a long absence, she was driven by a question: what are the stories her body has to tell now, after all the years of joy and pleasure, but also of injuries and aging? What poems have been brewing and are ready to make their way to the surface? Her body answered in manifold ways and the result is the solo dance performance "Seven Poems From An Unwritten Book Of Poetry".

Ólöf Ingólfsdóttir is a choreographer, performer and singer with broad experience of work in the arts. She has choreographed numerous dance performances, but lately singing has been her main focus. Among Ólöf’s works are a few solo pieces, as well as group performances for Íslenski dansflokkurinn and other groups. Ólöf´s choreographies have been performed at festivals all over Europe. For more information on Ólöf´s art see: www.olofingolfsdottir.com.

Listi yfir aðstandendur/ Credit list:

Höfundur og flytjandi / Choreography and performance: Ólöf Ingólfsdóttir

Dramatúrg / Dramaturgy: Thomas Schaupp

Búningur /Costume: Bryndís Ósk Þ Ingvarsdóttir

Tónlist / Music: Ólöf Ingólfsdóttir

Í verkinu heyrast brot úr verkum eftir Vivaldi og Scarlatti. / In the performance we hear parts of music by Vivaldi and Scarlatti.

Hljóðfæraleikur / String orchestra: Júlíana Elín Kjartansdóttir, Hildigunnur Halldórsdóttir, Ólöf Sesselja Óskarsdóttir

Upptökur og hljóðvinnsla / Recording and sound engineering: Hallur Ingólfsson

Lýsing / Lights: Jóhann Friðrik Ágústsson

Listi yfir styrktaraðila / Co-producers and sponsors:

Verkið varð til með stuðningi: Reykjavíkurborg, Circolo Scandinavo Artist Residency, Tjarnarbíó, Festival Quartiers Danses (Montreal)

This work was made possible with the support of: Reykjavíkurborg, Circolo Scandinavo Artist Residency, Tjarnarbíó, Festival Quartiers Danses (Montreal)